2 minute read

Today we released the first version of the Useless Mod since 2021!

Changelog (since 4.2.0)

  • Updated to 1.18.2
  • Requires Forge 40.2.0 or later


  • Light Switch
  • Useless Bars & Super-Useless Bars


  • Wall Closet works differently (technical changes)
  • 16 Colored Lamps have a new look!
  • Canvas was renamed to Painted Wool


  • Paint Bucket functionality
  • Useless Bucket

Known Issues

  • Machine Supplier sync issues on dedicated servers
  • Coffee Machine does not always render Cup
  • Useless Forest does not generate in the Overworld
  • Paint Bucket cannot be crafted

Full Feature Set

Every single feature that is present in the current version is listed here.


  • Useless Ore
  • Deepslate Useless Ore
  • Nether Useless Ore
  • End Useless Ore
  • Super-Useless Ore
  • Deepslate Super-Useless Ore
  • Nether Super-Useless Ore
  • Super-End Useless Ore
  • Block of Useless
  • Block of Raw Useless
  • Block of Super-Useless
  • Block of Raw Super-Useless
  • Useless Bars
  • Super-Useless Bars
  • Red Rose
  • Blue Rose
  • Useless Rose
  • Useless Oak Sapling
  • Useless Oak Leaves
  • Useless Oak Log
  • Useless Oak Wood
  • Stripped Useless Oak Log
  • Stripped Useless Oak Wood
  • Useless Oak Planks
  • Useless Oak Stairs
  • Useless Oak Slab
  • Useless Oak Fence
  • Useless Oak Fence Gate
  • Useless Oak Door
  • Useless Oak Trapdoor
  • Useless Oak Pressure Plate
  • Useless Oak Button
  • Useless Oak Sign
  • Useless Rail
  • Useless Powered Rail
  • Useless Detector Rail
  • Useless Activator Rail


  • Wall Closet
  • Coffee Machine
  • Machine Supplier
  • Cup / Cup with Coffee
  • Paint Bucket
  • Painted Wool
  • Light Switch
  • Light Switch Block
  • 16 Colored Lamps
    • White Lamp
    • Orange Lamp
    • Magenta Lamp
    • Light Blue Lamp
    • Yellow Lamp
    • Lime Lamp
    • Pink Lamp
    • Gray Lamp
    • Light Gray Lamp
    • Cyan Lamp
    • Purple Lamp
    • Blue Lamp
    • Brown Lamp
    • Green Lamp
    • Red Lamp
    • Black Lamp

Blocks without an Item

  • Potted Red Rose
  • Potted Blue Rose
  • Potted Useless Rose
  • Potted Useless Oak Sapling
  • Wild Useless Wheat
  • Wild Coffee Plant
  • Useless Skeleton (Wall) Skull
  • Lantern


  • Raw Useless
  • Useless Dust
  • Useless Ingot
  • Useless Nugget
  • Raw Super-Useless
  • Super-Useless Dust
  • Super-Useless Ingot
  • Super-Useless Nugget
  • Useless Wheat
  • Useless Wheat Seeds
  • Coffee Seeds
  • Coffee Beans
  • Useless Bone
  • Useless Leather
  • Useless Feather
  • Paint Brush

Weapons & Tools

  • Useless Shears
  • Useless Shield
  • Useless Sword
  • Useless Pickaxe
  • Useless Axe
  • Useless Shovel
  • Useless Hoe
  • Super-Useless Shield
  • Super-Useless Sword
  • Super-Useless Pickaxe
  • Super-Useless Axe
  • Super-Useless Shovel
  • Super-Useless Hoe


  • Useless Elytra
  • Useless Helmet
  • Useless Chestplate
  • Useless Leggings
  • Useless Boots
  • Super-Useless Elytra
  • Super-Useless Helmet
  • Super-Useless Chestplate
  • Super-Useless Leggings
  • Super-Useless Boots
  • Useless Skeleton Skull


  • Useless Sheep
  • Useless Pig
  • Useless Chicken
  • Useless Cow
  • Useless Skeleton


  • Useless Forest



  • “Useless Mod” - Is this useless?
  • “Useless Material” - Mine some useless ore
  • “All the Roses” - Collect all useless rose types
  • “Another Forest” - Visit the useless forest

Recipe Serializers

  • uselessmod:coffee - For Coffee Machines recipes
  • uselessmod:light_switch_convert - Used for converting Light Switch
  • uselessmod:paint_brush_dye - Used for dyeing Paint Brush